This year, National Small Business Week will take place from April 30th to May 6th. During this week, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) aims to highlight the significant contributions made by American entrepreneurs and small business owners. Supporting small businesses should always be celebrated, and this week provides an excellent opportunity to do so. DatAchieve Digital’s team would like to express our gratitude to our clients and friends who have supported us for more than two decades. We are excited to share an interview with our partners on how it all began.
20-some years ago…
How did you get into your business, or what motivated you to start it?
David: When we began twenty years ago, the internet was relatively new. My partner Norma and I both had experience in sales and marketing, and I was working for a design agency in Frederick, Maryland. As clients started moving their marketing online and away from print, we recognized the potential for an internet-focused digital agency.
Norma: We had recently moved to Hagerstown, the historic downtown was undergoing a revitalization, and there were some great spaces available. The kids were young, and the idea of starting a creative agency meant that we could be more available for school and family activities.
Norma: DatAchieve Digital opened its doors in July of 2002, focusing on medical websites. We had developed a secure HIPAA compliant form product that opened the doors to many practices that were beginning to go online and soon had medical clients across the U.S.
David: Yes, focusing on medical initially made it possible to work with all types of clients, and our services have grown to include video production, advertising and digital marketing, branding, and website management. We’re still in downtown Hagerstown, but we’ve expanded into a 4,000-square-foot facility with a full staff of designers, developers, UX/UI specialists, and marketing specialists.
Norma: We started our business to be closer to family. Along the way, we’ve had the unexpected privilege of growing our “family” to include coworkers and clients we consider friends.
DatAchieve Digital Milestones
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Thanks, Hagerstown.